*Melissa says: “In 2009, a friend asked me if I wanted to join a gym with her. Even though I didn’t want to I knew I needed to. I began eating wisely, exercising, and losing weight. I wanted to change, feel alive again, be a happy person, and be there for my family and friends. I started on my weight loss journey with diet and exercise. What made the difference in my life was becoming a member of the Living Well Family. I volunteer at the camp and am constantly motivated by the positive energy that Jean and Tom help create. Being able to give back to the community is important to me and I am lucky enough to volunteer at a place that has inspired me to live my life well.
Unfortunately I have a full time job and can’t volunteer at camp everyday. I needed something to remind me all the time to NEVER give up and to be proud of the hard work that I had accomplished. I knew I needed to stay focused and MOTIVATED to continue to lose weight, but how? I was given a present by my friend…..a bracelet. It reminds me to make healthy choices when reaching for food. It is my daily “reminder” to keep going! To date I’ve lost 121 pounds. These bracelets have been made available though the camp for a small donation with the proceeds going straight to the wonderful work that goes on here!
Very few people know my story or how the bracelet helped me conquer the weight loss battle. I wear my bracelet everyday. It reminds me to be PROUD and to stay on the healthy road of happiness.”
*Mark’s daughter came to weight loss camp. She lost 45 pounds that summer and went home to educate her family on all that she learned. Mark listened and decided to become a role model to his family. He quit smoking and chose healthier habits. In less than 2 year’s time, he dropped 160 pounds and completed a full marathon in celebration of his 40th birthday. Mark came back to visit in July 2011. He wanted to show the camp that changed his life the medal he truly earned from the IronMan he completed in Oregon. He continues to be a role model for us all. Way to go Mark! (Mark is our Volunteer of the Year 2010)
*Lexi, as seen on MTV’s MADE show, lost a total of 60 pounds and 17 inches. She learned that healthy food does not taste bad and food is fuel. She educated her mother who admitted to being diabetic and unhealthy in her choices. Her mother lost 35 pounds and now her blood sugars are stable. Lexi also discovered that she did not have to fake happiness. She found that her bubbly personality could be genuine and it shows in her smile. Lexi did learn how to become a Pom Dancer and she did make the team!
*Joe’s mom Mary says, “Camp gives him a chance to be with other kids who have hemophilia and the same unique issues. It is time for him to gain some independence and learn how to take care of his own medical needs. He must be able to give his own life saving infusions. Maybe more importantly, it is the time for mom to learn to let go a little and trust that her son is safe and in good hands.” Mary forced a smile even though she had tears in her eyes. At camp Joe learned how to stick himself for the very first time! He is holding the “Big Stick” award.
*Aaron came to camp and lost 17 pounds. He learned to ride a bike and he learned to like himself. Once at home, the rest fell into place. He lost 45 more pounds and became a normal BMI (Body mass index). Aaron has maintained the weight loss and healthy lifestyle for well over 10 years and has returned to camp as a counselor. He believes that if he can do it then so can the kids that he works with at camp. The campers listen to him because they know he understands. They respect him because he deserves it.
Check out Aaron’s story on