About Us

The Living Well Foundation was born out of the desire to educate and empower people to live life well. Our mission is to create healthier individuals/family units through experiential learning across the life cycle.

The vision of the Living Well Foundation is NO CHILD WILL SUFFER FROM ADULT DISEASE AND NO ONE WILL DIE FROM PREVENTABLE ILLNESS. Individuals and families, through informed choice, will be empowered to live long, happy lives together, with each member living in their best possible health! We empower individuals to take personal interest and responsibility in their own health. By making better choices, each individual may improve their quality as well as their quantity of life. Life will be more enjoyable and productive when living a healthy way.

The Living Well Foundation fulfills this mission by operating the Living Well Village located in Imperial, Missouri. The Living Well Village houses health camps and wellness programs all at a camp rate! We show people how to live well and then let them practice.

Camp Jump Start® cornerstone programs are the jumping board to the Living Well Foundation. Camp Jump Start® was founded in 2003 by the Huelsing Family. It was a life changing residential summer health/weight loss camp for kids. Kids historically lost between 10-80 pounds while living at camp for 4-8 weeks. The weight loss was dramatic, but it was the gain in self-confidence and self-esteem that really made the difference! There were children who had type 2 diabetes that went home and were taken off all medication and blood sugar levels were normal again. There were kids with asthma that left symptom-free. There were children with high lipid profiles, fatty liver and high blood pressure that went
back within normal limits. There were depressed kids that left feeling good about themselves and were taken off medications. Camp Jump Start® is recognized as a best practice and now offers an online “Masterclass” for the entire family—see campjumpstart.com for more information.

Camp Jump Start® Autism Adventure is our SUMMER DAY CAMP. Pre-school and early elementary age children attend camp with their parent. This program is designed to help parents and young children deal with the challenges of daily living. After 20 years of experience dealing with these issues at camp, our curriculum helps parents navigate obstacles and helps the child develop as they strive to reach their full potential. This program also offers opportunities throughout the school year for both kids and parents. In our community, family education and support is on-going.